Whitelist a user email domain

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If you are an admin user, you can control access to your organisation by whitelisting specific email domains. This ensures that only email addresses from approved domains can join your organisation.


To whitelist specific email domains, follow these steps:

  1. Log into your Root dashboard.
  2. Click on the organisation icon in the blue navigation bar in the bottom left side of your screen. 

  1. Under Settings, you’ll see the organisation access management card titled Access management: whitelist user email domains.
  2. Click on Edit on the right.

Note: If you're in sandbox mode, the Edit button will be disabled. To make edits, switch to production mode by clicking Switch to production mode on the sandbox banner at the top of the page.


  1. To add an email domain:
  • Click Add and type in the new domain you want to allow. Validation is applied to ensure only valid domains are added.
  • Click Save.
  • The updated email domain list under Access management will now include the new domain.
  1. To remove an email domain:
  • Locate the domain you wish to remove and click the bin icon next to it.
  • Click Save.
  • The updated email domain list under Access management will no longer display the removed domain.

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