Please note:
- Changing your organisation’s timezone may affect how dates are displayed and converted across the platform. This may impact various features that rely on dates, such as API integrations and scheduled jobs.
- If you are uncertain about how this change will affect your organisation, visit the Developer Hub or contact our support team for guidance before making a change.
To edit your own organisation’s timezone, follow these steps:
- Log into your Root dashboard.
- Click on the organisation icon in the blue navigation bar in the bottom left side of your screen.
- Under Settings, you’ll see the organisation timezone card titled Timezone.
- Click on Edit on the right.
Note: If you're in sandbox mode, the Edit button will be disabled. To make edits, switch to production mode by clicking Switch to production mode on the orange sandbox banner at the top of the page.
- Select your new timezone from the Timezone dropdown menu.
- Type timezone in the field before proceeding to save.
- Click Save.