How do I get my app-authenticator codes onto my new phone?

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If you start using a new phone, you will need to transfer your Google Authenticator account from your old phone to your new phone to get access to your authentication codes:

  1. Open the Google Authenticator app on your old phone.
  2. Tap the overflow button ( three dots at the top right your screen).
  3. Tap Transfer accounts.
  4. Tap Export Accounts.
  5. A QR code will be generated. 
  6. Open the Google Authenticator app on your new phone.
  7. Tap the overflow button ( three dots at the top right your screen).
  8. Tap Transfer accounts.
  9. Tap Import accounts.
  10. Scan the QR code on your old phone.
  11. Your accounts should now have successfully imported to your new phone.

If you no longer have access to your old phone, please contact Root Support.

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