Edit your notifications settings

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To view and manage your notification settings, follow these steps:

  1. Log into your Root dashboard.
  2. Click on the ⏺⏺⏺ icon in the blue navigation bar inon the bottom left side of your screen. 

  1. Click My account settings..
  2. Select Notifications. Here you can choose whether you would like to receive notifications for:

  • Account changes: For when your password, 2FA, or access key is updated.
  • Account accessed: Whenever your account is logged into.
  1. Tick the box for the preferred channel (SMS, Email, or Push) for which you would like to receive notifications. 

  1. Once you’ve made updates, click Save changes for them to take effect.

If your preferred channel of communication is set to email, you will receive a notification like the one below every time you log in.

Frame 12 (28).png

Tip: We recommend that you receive notifications for changes as a security measure. However, if you do not want to receive notifications, you can untick all of the boxes.

Notes: To learn more about how to manage the other account setting sections, click on their guides linked below:

  1. Profile: View your profile
  2. Security: Manage your security settings

Timezone:  Manage your timezone settings


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