Open a new complaint
Log into your Root dashboard. You can open a complaint in one of two ways:
- Log a complaint from a within a policy:
- Click on the Policies icon in the blue navigation bar on the left side of your screen.
- Find and open the relevant policy.
- Click on the Ellipses menu at the top.
- Select Open complaint.
- Enter the complainant’s details and describe the complaint.
- Log a complaint from the list of complaints:
- Click on the Complaints icon in the blue navigation bar on the left side of your screen.
- Click on New complaint.
- Enter the complainant’s details and describe the complaint.
- Click Next and choose the policy linked to the complaint. You can search by policy number, policyholder name, or ID.
- Once the complaint is created:
- The complainant will be notified via email or SMS.
- The complaint will appear at the top of the list of complaints.