To requote an application, follow these steps:
- Log into your Root dashboard.
- Click on the Applications icon in the blue menu bar on the left of your screen.
- Search for and click into the application that you want to edit.
- Click on the Actions dropdown at the top of your screen.
- Select Requote.
- Follow the Steps on the left of your screen.
- Quote details: Review the information. If correct, click Next. If not, you can edit the details as needed.
- Quote: Review the updated quote. If you are happy with the changes, click Next. If not, you can click Back to make further edits.
- Summary: Review the quote summary. If all the information is correct, you can either send the policyholder a quote by clicking on Send, edit the quote by clicking on Edit, and/or finally requote the application by clicking on Requote application.
Once the application is requoted, the newest information will appear on your application.