Note: A refund request can only be created if at least one premium has been paid on a policy.
If a policyholder is due a refund and you need to create a refund request, follow these steps:
- Log into your Root dashboard.
- Click on the Policies icon in the blue navigation bar on the left side of your screen.
- Search for and click on the policy for which you want to process a refund.
- Click on the Refunds tab in the grey policy menu on the left of your screen.
- Click Request refund.
- Enter the following Payment refund details:
- Amount. The refund amount can range from £1.00 to the total premium collected to date, less any pending refund requests.
- Reference for your refund.
- Account details of the bank account that the customer would like the refund to be paid into. –We suggest that the bank account details be the same as the account from which the premium was debited.
Note: Bank accounts added for refunds are not verified.
- Once all the details have been added, click Create.
To view the refund request you just created, follow these steps:
- Click on the Payments icon in the blue navigation bar on the left side of your screen.
- Under OPERATIONS, click on Refund Payout Requests to access the list of refund requests.
- Your refund request should appear at the top of the list of refund payout requests.