To prevent a policy lapse or NTU, follow these steps:
- Log into your Root dashboard.
- Click on the Policies icon in the blue navigation bar on the left side of your screen.
- Search for and click on the policy that you want to edit.
- Click on Click on the ⏺⏺⏺ menu in the top right and select Prevent lapse and NTU.
- Choose your start date and end date.
- Today's date is selected by default, but you can change it by clicking the Start date field.
- The selected dates define the period during which the policy will be prevented from lapsing or becoming NTU.
- Select a reason from the drop-down menu. If your reason isn’t listed, select Other and enter a custom reason in the additional field.
- Click Prevent lapse and NTU to confirm and apply the changes.
To resume a policy lapse or NTU (if it is currently prevented), follow these steps:
- Click on Click on the ⏺⏺⏺ menu in the top right and select Resume lapse and NTU.
- Select a reason from the drop-down menu. If your reason isn’t listed, select Other and enter a custom reason in the additional field.
- Note: The policy will resume lapsing or becoming NTU immediately upon confirmation.
- Click Resume lapse and NTU to confirm and apply the changes.
You can view the prevention and resume actions in the Activity log on the right side of your screen.
Each Prevent lapse and NTU or Resume lapse and NTU activity includes a title and description with the start and end dates (for Prevent lapse and NTU only)
To see more details, click on the entry. This will show additional information, including the reason for the prevention or resumption.